Web Design Agency USA
Thinking of building a website for your small business in the USA? In this digital age, having a website is no more a choice, but a necessity for every business, whether small or big. Here are the basic steps to follow to ensure that you get your online presence right.
1. Domain name registration
Finding a domain name for your business website is crucial to the success of your website. You need to spend some time choosing the perfect domain name for your business but don’t overthink it.
2. Website Hosting Subscription
Before you can start building your website, you need to find a place to host the website files and make them accessible to your visitors. Finding the right hosting provider is critical as your website performance and security to a great extent are affected by hosting server resources. Sites like AWS, Bluehost, IONOS, Webarro, and many others offer you different pricing plans. Find a hosting plan based on your budget, traffic expectations, and website technology.
3. Website CMS Platform
Choosing the wrong platform to make a business website can cost you dearly. The most popular platform to build a website, especially for small businesses is without a doubt WordPress. It powers 32% of all websites on the internet and it gives you access to thousands of website extensions and add-ons for scalability.
4. Get Design Right
All said and done right if you don’t get the design and look & feel of your website right, you will not be able to make an impact on your visitors. Good small business websites are simple and follow a standard website layout. Design a mockup and get it reviewed by others before you implement it.
5. Build Your Site
Here is the painful part – building the site. Though most platforms offer a website builder tool, the fact is – it is not just enough to bring out the visual appeal. This is where you need the expertise of a web development company in the USA like Profizient who can help you build a mobile responsive website without hassles and headaches. If you do not have content for your website, take the help of a content writer or get it written through the web development company that is building your site.
6. Search Engine Optimization
Indexing & SEO should be taken care of by your web development company. Apps like Yoast SEO – Improve your WordPress SEO and get you more traffic from Google. Indexing is when Google crawler searches the database used by a search engine. Indexes contain the information on all the websites that Google was able to find. If a website is not in a search engine’s index, users will not be able to find it. Hence it is important to post relevant and genuine content on your website. Apart from content with the right keywords will help your website gain more visibility and trust from the Google search engine. In-time your website will show in the top 5 results if you do this step correctly.
7. Post Valuable Content
Social Media Posts and blogs are a great way to make your website more active and optimized for search. Not only is useful content important, but search engines will also come to your site more regularly if you produce fresh content regularly. Fresh, new content regularly tells search engines that your site is constantly improving and publishing new content and therefore needs to be crawled more often to reach its intended audience.
Reach us to build your optimized small business website with Profizient today. If you need assistance with an existing site, do not hesitate to contact us.